Friday, November 23, 2007

How to use Bezier tool inside modeler

How to use Bezier tool inside modeler

To use Bezier tool inside modeler

Create > Bezier

Step 1

If you would like to use Bezier tool inside the modeler, you must choose the Bezier option from the Create menu. Bezier allows you to create standard spline curves using tangent controls.

Step 2

Once you drop the Bezier tool, a normal Modeler curve is created. As such, you cannot re-edit the curve using the Bezier tool.

Step 3

On the numeric panel, you can create a closed curve and delete the last tangent point.

How to use sketch inside modeler

How to use sketch inside modeler

To use sketch inside modeler

Modeler > Sketch

Step 1

If you would like to use sketch inside modeler, first you need to go to Modeler tool bar and choose the Sketch option. The function of sketch is to allow user to draw points in freehand mode and they are two-dimensional modeling tools, in any viewports.

Step 2

Normally this tool is used to create logos or curve objects.

How to load type fonts inside modeler

How to load type fonts inside modeler

To load type fonts inside modeler

Modeler > Option > Edit font list

Step 1

If you wish to load fonts inside modeler, first you need to go to the Modeler menu and then choose Option. After that, select the Edit font list.

Step 2

Form the inside of the panel choose Add true type button to add in the font inside the modeler:

Step 3

Later you need to use the Font pop-up menu to select the font for your object.

Clicking the Load Type-1 button will bring up a file menu where you can load a PostScript font. If you have PostScript fonts, the files often have a .PFB filename extension.

Clicking the Add True-Type button will bring up a font selection menu, which you can use to select a font. (Note: the point size is irrelevant.)

Click Clear Entry to remove the selected font from the font list.

Clear List will purge the entire list. Load List brings up a file requester where to you can load a previously saved font list file. This can be the LWM.CFG file.

Save List brings up a file requester for saving the current font list to a file. Note that the font list is automatically saved when you exit Modeler, so it is not necessary for you to save the list. At the same time, you could use this option to create custom file lists for special purposes.

How to use type text inside modeler

How to use type text inside modeler

To use type text inside modeler

Create > Type Text or press Shift (W)

Step 1

If you would like to use the type text, you have to choose the Type Text option from the Create menu or just press Shift (W). In modeler, you could type words like many other vector graphic software and then convert it to the 3D Modeling. This is sometime very important especially in creating the 3D logo and curve objects.

Step 2

You can click on the text tools and type in the text inside the view of modeler. But before you can use the text tool, you must load the fonts first than add true type font inside the LightWave modeler.

Using the numeric panel

Using the numeric panel

Using the numeric panel

Step 1

You can also numerically create a primitive or use the numeric panel with the graphical creation tools. The input fields on the panel update in real-time as you graphically adjust your box with the mouse. As such, you can drag out a rough version of your box using the mouse and then enter the precise values on the numeric panel.

Actions Pop-up Menu

The Actions pop-up menu could activate the numerical settings for a primitive tool. Simply select Activate, and Select Reset to return all of the fields to their default value.

These are the box numeric.

Low XYZ - coordinates of one corner of a box. Normally this is the (more) negative side.

High XYZ - coordinates of opposite corner of a box. Normally this is the (more) positive side.

Segments - The number of segments along the X, Y, or Z axis.

This the ball numeric

Type - The make-up of a ball is determined by the configure of Sides and Segments. Tessellation balls are set using a Level parameter; these balls are created entirely of triangles and therefore, smoother looking.

Sides (Ball) - determines how many segments should be used around the ball.

Segments (Ball) - sets how many vertical segments should be used. Three-sided polygons are always used at the top and bottom. Elsewhere, the polygons are used depending on the Polygons setting on the General Options panel (Modeler > Options > General Options).

(Tessellation) - sets the number of segments along the edges between the twelve polyhedral vertices. Higher settings will increase the complexity of the triangle matrix, taking longer to create and requiring more RAM.

Center - The XYZ coordinates of the center of the ball.

Radius The radius of the ball along the X, Y, and Z axes.

Axis The primitive is aligned with this axis.

Sides - determines how many segments should be used around the perimeter.

Segments - sets how many vertical segments should be used.

Bottom is the starting point of the primitive along the selected Axis.

Top is the ending point of the primitive along the selected Axis.

Center refers to the coordinates for the center of the primitive.

Radius refers to the radius of the primitive (wide end for a cone) along the axes.

How to use pen tool in modeler

How to use pen tool in modeler

To use pen tool in modeler

Create > Pen or press Shift (G)

Step 1

If you would like to use the pen tool, you have to choose the Pen option from the Create menu or just press Shift (G). In modeler, you can draw the outlines like many other vector graphic software and then convert them into 3D Modeling. This function is sometime very important especially in creating 3D logo and curve objects.

How to use cone tool in modeler

How to use cone tool in modeler

To use cone tool in modeler

Create > Cone

Step 1

If you would like to use the cone tool, you have to choose the Disc option from the Create menu.

Step 2

When you are satisfied, deselect the primitive tool by clicking on it or choosing Deselect Tool under the Modes to turn your outline into an object (and alternatively, you can select another modifying tool.)

How to use disc tool in modeler

How to use disc tool in modeler

To use disc tool in modeler

Create > Disc or press Shift (?)

Step 1

If you would like to use the disc tool, you have to choose the Disc option from the Create menu or just press Shift (?).

Step 2

When you are satisfied, deselect the primitive tool by clicking on it or choosing Deselect Tool under Modes to turn your outline into an object (and alternatively, you can select another modifying tool.

How to use ball tool in modeler

How to use ball tool in modeler

To use ball tool in modeler

Create > Ball or press Shift (o)

Step 1

If you wish to use the ball tool in modeler, you have to select the Ball option from the Create menu or you just press Shift (o).

Step 2

When you are satisfied, deselect the primitive tool by clicking on it or choosing Deselect Tool under Modes to turn your outline into an object (and alternatively, you can select another modifying tool.)

How to use box tool in modeler

How to use box tool in modeler

To use box tool in modeler

Create > Box or press Shift (x)

Step 1

If you would like to use the box tools in modeler, you must choose the Box option from the Create menu or just press Shift (x). In the modeler, there are several primitive shapes that you can use to create 3D model. In LightWave 6.5, primitive shape is the basic tool to create complex models, and it is also the basic element of 3D environment.

Step 2

When you are satisfied with the image, deselect the primitive tool by clicking on it or choosing The Deselect tool under the Modes to turn your outline into an object (and alternatively, you can select another modifying tool.).

How to use view option tool inside modeler

How to use view option tool inside modeler

To use view option tool inside modeler

Display > View

Step 1

If you would like to use the view option tool inside the modeler, you must select the View option from the Display menu. You can change the arrangement of the viewports as well as change the display characteristics for each viewport independently.

Step 2

If you want to set up your own custom layout, you need to make a selection from the Layout pop-up menu. Texture Resolution setting determines the resolution to use for displaying textures in Viewports that has their Rendering Style set to Texture.

Step 3

Changing the Perspective Amount slider on the Layout tab could vary the amount of perspective in the perspective view.

Background Color is used as a selector to change the color that appears in the background for Viewports using a shaded display.

The various Show visibility options let you independently set what you want to see globally in your Viewports.

Step 4

Viewports options let you change how objects are displayed in each Viewport.

To change the settings for a Viewport, you have to select it using the Viewports buttons as shown by the picture below.

The View Type pop-up menu determines the editing axes you want to use for the selected region while the Rendering Style pop-up menu determines the style of display that you want to use for the selected region.

The Independent options let you make certain viewports characteristics independent from other viewports.

On the Backdrop tab, you can add full-color backdrop images, which act as reference guides when you build objects. The two Center and Size input fields are horizontal (top field) and vertical (lower field).

Clicking Automatic Size will enter values that fit the defined image into an implied bounding box that surrounds visible geometry. If you activate the Fixed Aspect Ratio option, you can enter a frame aspect ratio in the input field.

Alert Level affects how error, warning and informational messages are displayed.

Toolbar Position setting determines if the main toolbar appears on the Left or Right side.

Viewports Titles option turns the title bars, which appear above each viewport, on or off.

Use the Input Device buttons to select the type of input device you are using. The Fine Detail Cursor option (when active), makes your mouse pointer use the main crosshair pointer at all times instead of changing when the various tools and selection functions are used.

The File Dialog and Color Picker pop-up menus let you use custom LightWave dialogs for file loading/saving and picking colors. Color Format setting determines the scale used where the color selector appears.

Simple Wireframe Edges option turns off polygon offsetting for the sketch-like display modes.

The Unit System determines the units of measurement that are used and displayed by the Modeler screen. SI is the International System of Units (SI is the abbreviation of the French Le Système International dUnites.) Unit measurements in Modeler use a base system of meters.

Grid sizes and distances can be measured in megameters, kilometers, meters, millimeters, micrometers, and nanometers. Metric The Metric System is the same as SI with the addition of centimeters. English The English System uses miles, feet, and inches.

The Time Format setting allows you to set the display format for time values, like the Frame Slider Label option on Layouts General Options panel.

How to use subdivide tool inside modeler

How to use subdivide tool inside modeler

To use subdivide tool inside modeler

Construct > Subdivide or press shift (d)

Step 1

If you would like to use the subdivide tool inside the modeler, you must choose the Subdivide from the Construct menu. This panel provides several commands that let you automatically increase the detail of existing polygons.

The image above will appear as soon as you’ve chosen the Subdivide option. Below are the descriptions of the options stated above;

1. Faceted option adds more segments to existing polygons, but

doesnt change the overall shape.

2. Smooth will subdivide objects that have curved, smoothed, or rounded areas.

3. Metaform is another method of subdividing. The object will be smoothed dramatically.

Step 2

You could also press the shift (d) for subdivide tool command key.

How to use knife tool inside modeler

How to use knife tool inside modeler

To use knife tool inside modeler

Multiply > Knife or press shift (k)

Step 1

If you would like to use Knife tool inside the modeler, first you need to select the Knife option from the Multiply menu. The Knife tool allows user to create a new slide of point on the object. What you need to do is just simply drag out a slicing line in any view port and no image is needed at the background layer. The line is infinite along the axis perpendicular and if you wish to the view it, just drag in.

Step 2

You can also press shift (k) command key to select knife tool.

How to use merge point inside modeler

How to use merge point inside modeler

To use merge point inside modeler

Step 1

If you would like to use the Merge Points command, first you have to go to the Merge Points under the Construct menu. The merge point is used to remove the points that occupy the same or very nearly the same space. Automatic merges the points that share the same space. For objects or portions of objects that you have cut from the main object with the intention of merging later (back into their original positions) use Automatic.

Fractional takes the size of the object and takes a fraction of that size as the merge distance. This value is a Power of 10. The higher the value, the less points are merged.

Absolute merges any points within the specified Distance of one another. When merged, one point will move to the location of anotherMerge will not average the distance between points to create a new point midway between them. As such, the related polygon may be stretched as necessary.

How to use merge polygon inside modeler

How to use merge polygon inside modeler

To use merge polygon inside modeler

Step 1

If you would like to use the merge polygon inside the modeler, first you need to choose the Merge Polygons under the Reduce. After that you need to join the two selected polygons that share at least one common edge. A common edge is one where two or more polygons share all of the points along that edge.

Step 1

You could press Shift (f) for this tool from the command key.

How to use Flip inside modeler

How to use Flip inside modeler

To use Flip inside modeler

Multiply > Modeler > Detail > flip or press (f)

Step 1

If you would like to use the flip inside modeler, first you need to go to the Modeler option from the Multiply. Later, you need to choose the Flip option under the Detail menu or just press (f) to select the Flip tool. This tool is used for to flip the polygon from one side to another as shown by the picture below.

Step 2

You could see that the picture shows how one side of the polygon has been flipped from one side to other.

How to use clone tool inside modeler

How to use clone tool inside modeler

To use clone tool inside modeler

Multiply > Modeler > Duplicate > clone or press shift (v)

Step 1

If you wish to use the Clone tool inside the modeler, first you need to go to the Multiply menu and choose the Modeler option. After that, just select the Clone option under the Duplicate or press shift (v) to select mirror tool. This tool has the same function with mirror, but it only clone the object on its position.

Step 2

On clone panel, you can manually set the setting before cloning.

How to use the Mirror tool inside modeler

How to use the Mirror tool inside modeler

To use the Mirror tool inside modeler

Multiply > Modeler > Mirror or press shift (f)

Step 1

If you would like to use the Mirror tool, the first thing to do is to choose the Modeler option from the Multiply menu. Later, you need to select the Mirror option under the Duplicate or press the shift (v) to select the mirror tool. It’s used to clone the object on the other side just like your mirror.

Step 2

The function of the mirror tool is to clone one object to another.

How to use Smooth Shift tool inside modeler

How to use Smooth Shift tool inside modeler

To use Smooth Shift tool inside modeler

Multiply > Modeler > smooth shift or press shift (f)

Step 1

If you would like to use the smooth shift tool, first you need to go to Modeler option from the Multiply. Later, you just need to select the Smooth Shift or press shift (f) to select smooth shift tool. It has the same function with bevel, where user can use it to create more surfaces in one model.

Step 2

A good thing about the smooth shift is that it can create more additional surfaces in one single model.

Step 3

At the same time, you can also manually configure the setting by using the numeric and (press n)

How to use Lathe tool inside modeler

How to use Lathe tool inside modeler

To use Lathe tool inside modeler

Multiply > Modeler > Extrude or press shift (b)

Step 1

If you would like to use the Lathe tool, the first thing to do is to choose the Modeler option from the Multiply menu. Later, you need to select the Lathe option or press the shift (b) to select the Lathe tool. It’s used to join the shape that is created in half way.

For Example:

Step 2

If you would like to create a vase, first, you can draw a flat point to represent the half shape of the vase by using the point tool. After that, you need to use the lathe tool to joint the point into 3D vase model in only one drag.

Step 3

You just need to point and drag the mouse.